Your Team’s PRINT Wheel Provides Unique Insight for Developing Strategies and Solutions to Improve Team Performance on Your Key Goal or Challenge
A Print Wheel is a graphical depiction of the influences present on your team.
Analysis centers around how PRINT influences your team’s ability to meet specific objectives, such as satisfying customers or strategic thinking.
During specially tailored sessions, we help you develop action plans that bolster your team’s strengths, minimize weaknesses and fill gaps as you strive to meet identified goals. Particular attention is dedicated to places where PRINT knowledge can boost performance that remains stuck at unfavorable levels.
By combining your team’s PRINTs and seeing how they play out with your staff, you get critical insight into why desired or expected performance may differ from actual outcomes.
You and your team also get a glimpse into the future. So you can predict where goals may come up short and figure out how to prevent potential problems.