PRINT® teaches you how to permanently alters how you respond to situations, so Best Self replaces Shadow as the automatic response.
Being in Best Self is when you’re firing on all cylinders – the ultimate goal.
In a study of 198,514 workers within 36 companies in 21 industries (including finance, manufacturing, retail, service, transportation and utilities), Best Self Behaviors led to a:
- 14% increase in customer loyalty
- 32% increase in sales
- 19% increase in profit margin
It’s when you’re positive and productive.
It’s when you’re fulfilling your potential.
It’s when you bring your best to work and bring out the best in others.
Best Self behaviors include being flexible, open, adaptable, encouraging, helping (without condition), assertive, responsive, loyal, detailed and attentive. Unfortunately, these are not automatic behaviors for many.
In fact, opposite behaviors, Shadow, can be more naturally occuring in high-stress situations.
PRINT® teaches you how to permanently alter how you respond to situations, so Best Self replaces Shadow as the automatic response.